Sunday, November 8, 2009

Target shopping

I bought 2 boxes of Huggies Snug and Dry Diapers(got a $10 gift card), 1 Clue: Secrets and Spies, 1 Pictureka! Flipper, 1 LeapFrog Tag Junior, 1 Monopoly Deal card game, 1 Connect 4x4, 1 Monopoly City, 3 glade scented oil w/free plug-in, 1 glade plug-in, 1 glade scented oil candle refills, 1 glade scented oil candle holder, and 1 Flinstone gummies. I paid $115.06 and saved $124.60!!


  1. Is this stuff for Christmas? or just cause? Those are awesome savings. Maybe one day I will get out there and we can go shop till we drop!

  2. Oh Yeah, it's for Christmas. I wouldn't have bought as many things as I did other wise.

  3. Oh I figured! These kids are going to have a sweet Christmas! What makes it even sweeter is all the money you saved too!
