Monday, October 26, 2009

Interesting blog

I found something today that I had to repost. I don't usually post things for how to and stuff but this was awesome. Kristin, from Couponing to Disney, complied a list of companies that if you e-mail, they would send you coupons and free products. It's pretty awesome right?! Click here to check it out.


  1. In between the button to change the color of the text and the text alignment buttons there is a button that looks like a world and a little white thing at the top of it. (scroll over it with your mouse and it will say link) Highlight what ever words you want to link. It could be "here" or the name of the sight like "Couponing to Disney" (you can highlight multiple words) Once it's highlighted click that link button and enter the website you want to link to or copy and paste it. I hope I explained that right!

  2. WOW!! Thanks so worked. Yippe, now I can be like ya'll!!
