Thanks to April, I went to Target to see if I can get some free bags of Chex Mix. I didn't get the free chex mix but I did snag some other things. I bought (2) 8.75oz bags of Chex Mix($0.79 each), 4 Quaker Oatmeal bars($1.04 each), (1) 8-count poptarts(FREE), and 2 bags of Halloween M&M's($2 each). I got a free Halloween reusable shopping bag for buying 2 bags of Halloween M&M's. I spent $10.19 and saved $12.49!! Not too bad...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Target savings
Thanks to April, I went to Target to see if I can get some free bags of Chex Mix. I didn't get the free chex mix but I did snag some other things. I bought (2) 8.75oz bags of Chex Mix($0.79 each), 4 Quaker Oatmeal bars($1.04 each), (1) 8-count poptarts(FREE), and 2 bags of Halloween M&M's($2 each). I got a free Halloween reusable shopping bag for buying 2 bags of Halloween M&M's. I spent $10.19 and saved $12.49!! Not too bad...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
About coupons
I always wondered about how the stores received the money back from coupons. Jenny from did her research and here is what she found out.......
Now, I don't feel so bad about the millions of coupons that I use! So you shouldn't either!!
Now, I don't feel so bad about the millions of coupons that I use! So you shouldn't either!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Publix savings
Man, Did I save at Publix!!! I bought......
- 2 New York Texas Toast: $0.34 each
- 2 Kelloggs Eggo Waffles: $0.69 each
- 1 Bounty roll of paper towels: $FREE
- 2 Head&Shoulders shampoo: $2.99 each
- 2 Herbal Essence shampoo&conditioner: $1.49 each
- 1 Publix quart of orange juice(not pictured..forgot to put it in): $0.29
- 2 Huggies wipes: $1.50 each
- 1 bag of Publix chips(my husband wanted them..I didn't have a coupon and they weren't on sale): $2.59
- 1 Post Honey Bunches of Oats: $FREE
- 1 Frito Lay bean dip(again, my husband and not on sale): $2.79
- 1 twin pack Glade plug in refills: $1.78
- 1 Glade plug in nightlight: $FREE
- 1 Lays French Onion Dip(again, my husband and not on sale): $3.69
- 4 Dixie Ultra Plates: $1 each
- (1) 4-pack ready to use cans of Enfamil Formula: $2.49
- 18 jars of Beech-Nut baby food: $0.12 each
- 10 jars of Earth's Best baby food: $0.29 each
- 2 reusable Publix bags: $FREE
- 2 Cheerios: $1.49 each
- Bottom Round Roast(on sale for $1.99lb): $4.63
- (2) 4-pack Dole Fruit bowls: $0.34 each
- (1) 18-pack Always Infinity pads: $FREE
- 1 Publix fresh fruit salad bowl(again, husband and not on sale): $5.85
- 1 Clorox liquid bleach: $FREE
- 1 Dawn Direst Foam: $1.24
- 1 Downy liquid fabric softner: $1.49
- 1 Cascade rinse aid: $1.49
- (1) 28.1oz Enfamil Formula: $15.59
- 2 Dixie 320-count napkins: $FREE
- 1 Jumbo Huggies Diapers: $3.89
- 1 Box of Huggies Diapers: $12.99
I spent $94.78 and saved $114.08!! The price listed is the final price after coupons and sales. I would have spent less if my husband wasn't with me...about $15 less. But even still I did awesome and I'm so proud of myself!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
New Pictures
Here are some pictures we took awhile ago and I'm just getting around to getting them..sorry folks..
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
April's savings is doing a give away!!
Check out her site...look up first giveaway and it should come up! Follow the directions and you could win! Good Luck ya'll!! Thanks for the fun April!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
For my local friends....
I have been asked several times "Where can I find these awesome coupons and how do I use them?" I'm going to give you my secret sites and hopefully you can follow them and get great savings like me. one is my cousin-in-law blog site and she has alot of great finds!! I follow her blog several times a day..she is always posting new stuff) (This one is a great blog site that list awesome potential savings as well) (This is where I print most of my coupons...on the top right corner, there are 3 on each group and print the coupons you want. Remember, you can print each coupon twice.) (This site is of my favorites! They list all the grocery and drug stores in the southern area and they do all the hard work for you. They list all the sales and what coupons and where you can print them out at.) (This is one my husband found. This site has alot of coupons for retail stores and a few restaurants) (This one has all the Target soupons in one place...I love this site too) (Another blog site that I go to find some deals) (This site is awesome for online codes for discounts) (This site is for people that have babies or kids in general..LOL)
These are all sites for Kroger....these sites have e-coupons that you can load to your Kroger card. You can combine these e-coupons with manufacturer coupons and store coupons to get added savings. And Kroger doubles manufacturer coupons up to $0.50.;jsessionid=E0D6CB250887C5EE159CB2FDFC9C480C.a04
And for those of you that love shopping at Old Navy, you need to check this site out every Thurday or Friday..they change it on either of those days. They have high dollar coupons like $75 off $100 purchase...I have yet to get one but I did snag the $45 off $100 a couple weeks ago.
Hope this helps out a few people...don't forget to become followers of the sites that you love to makes them feel good knowing they're helping people out with all their hard work and let me tell you..IT'S HARD WORK TO TYPE ALL THESE POTENTIAL SAVINGS. But they love doing it.
I forgot to add one sister-in-law has started a savings blog too. She likes to post things for you to do to be more making your own stuff. She has some pretty good ideas...check it out for yourself. one is my cousin-in-law blog site and she has alot of great finds!! I follow her blog several times a day..she is always posting new stuff) (This one is a great blog site that list awesome potential savings as well) (This is where I print most of my coupons...on the top right corner, there are 3 on each group and print the coupons you want. Remember, you can print each coupon twice.) (This site is of my favorites! They list all the grocery and drug stores in the southern area and they do all the hard work for you. They list all the sales and what coupons and where you can print them out at.) (This is one my husband found. This site has alot of coupons for retail stores and a few restaurants) (This one has all the Target soupons in one place...I love this site too) (Another blog site that I go to find some deals) (This site is awesome for online codes for discounts) (This site is for people that have babies or kids in general..LOL)
These are all sites for Kroger....these sites have e-coupons that you can load to your Kroger card. You can combine these e-coupons with manufacturer coupons and store coupons to get added savings. And Kroger doubles manufacturer coupons up to $0.50.;jsessionid=E0D6CB250887C5EE159CB2FDFC9C480C.a04
And for those of you that love shopping at Old Navy, you need to check this site out every Thurday or Friday..they change it on either of those days. They have high dollar coupons like $75 off $100 purchase...I have yet to get one but I did snag the $45 off $100 a couple weeks ago.
Hope this helps out a few people...don't forget to become followers of the sites that you love to makes them feel good knowing they're helping people out with all their hard work and let me tell you..IT'S HARD WORK TO TYPE ALL THESE POTENTIAL SAVINGS. But they love doing it.
I forgot to add one sister-in-law has started a savings blog too. She likes to post things for you to do to be more making your own stuff. She has some pretty good ideas...check it out for yourself.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Publix again
I don't have a picture but here is what I bought....4 Beech-Nut cereals, 1 Beech-Nut biter buscuits, and 6 jars Beech-Nut baby food. I paid $2.75 and saved $10.13!! I had 2 $1 off mfr coupons for the cereals and the cereals had peelies on them for BOGOF. I had a $1 off mfr coupons for the biter buscuits and a Food Lion coupon for $1 off 6 jars of baby food. I also had a Kroger coupon for $2 off my entire purchase for buying the Green Giant boxed vegetables the other day. So that's how I got the awesome savings there.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday savings
At Publix, I bought 36 jars of Gerber baby food, 1 refill Huggies wipes, (2) 28.1oz Enfamil Formula, 2 bags of Crunch fun size bars and the penny item, which was Publix vanilla wafers. I spent $47.82 and saved $37.66!!
I just noticed she missed 2 of my $3 off coupons for my formula. I could have spent only $41.40 and saved $43.66!!! I hate when that happens!! CRAP!!
At Kroger, I bought 4 boxes of Green Giant vegetables, 4 bags of Green Giant Steamers, 2 boxes of Progressive chicken broth, 2 bottles of Juicy Juice, 4 boxes of Capri Sun, 2 Edy's Dibs, 1 bag of Sun chips, and (2) 24 packs of Deer Park water. I spent $32.51 and saved $30.85!! Normally, I wouldn't buy water but we're going to Disney World and we're going to need it so since it was on sale and I had a coupon for it..why not. Kroger is doing a buy 10 participating items, get $5 off. They had alot of items on there, but I'm trying not to spend that much since we're going to be spending quite a bit in Disney World.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Target again...
I don't have a picture because some of the items went to a little girl for her birthday. I bought 3 Buddies soap, 7 single serving cereals, 1 box of Kashi cereal, 1 giftbag, and 1 travel Hungry Hippos. I spent $0.32 and saved $19.38. And just so you know, I did go to the Target that I had the problems with. The only reason I did, is because they had the Hungry Hippos and the other one didn't.
Dollar General
I received a mailer the other day from Dollar General. On the front of the mailer it said that the first 50 customers would receive a $10 gift card. On the back of the mailer it had a coupon for $5 off a $20 purchase. I thought.."hey, this would be a good time to buy all that expensive candy for Halloween now." The store opens at 8am so I got there 5 minutes early and it was already opened with A LOT of people there. I thought..."CRAP, the gift cards are already gone!" Luckly, I got one and this is what I got....2 bags of Blow Pops, 1 big bag of Dubble Bubble, 1 bag of Spongebob crabby patties, 1 bag of Skittles, 1 big assortment bag of chocolates, 1 big bag of Scooby Doo lolipops, 1 bag of Now&Laters, 1 big bag of Airheads, and 3 individual size Fun Dips for the kids to have now. I spent $6.53 and saved $15!!! I have enough candy for Halloween that I don't need to buy anymore. I usually spend about $30 on all the Halloween candy, so this was nice.
Friday, September 4, 2009
A better coupon day
So today was a much better coupon day!! I decided to go to Bi-Lo to pick up some BOGOF Dixie plates. I had 4 coupons for $0.50 off one and Bi-Lo doubles coupons so I would be getting them rather cheap. They had peelies on the plates for free Dixie napkins if you bought 2 Dixie plates. Awesome right? So I go to get my free napkins and guess what?...the napkins were BOGOF too!! The coupon was for $3.50 off one and I bought 4 plates so I had 2 coupons for $3.50 off. I had overage!! So I bought 4 Dixie plates and 4 Dixie napkins for $3.20 and saved $24.48!!! So awesome!!!
I decided to try my luck at the other Target in my area. And let me say, they are much better trained for customer service!! The cashier was soooo polite. I DID NOT have to do individual transactions. I had so many coupons that when she was almost done scanning them all, it wouldn't let her scan anymore because I would be in the negative. She scanned as many and as much as she could to get the maximum savings for me. I bought 3 Earths Best Graham crackers, 10 buddies soap, and 9 single serving cereals. I spent $0.36 and saved $24.05!!! She has renewed my faith in Target! LOL
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Target again
I decided to stop by Target again after I dropped Michael off at pre-k. Michael, my husband was pretty excited with all the free cereals I picked up yesterday and wanted me to get a few more. I bought (2) 12 packs of poptarts, 10 single serving cereals, 5 Buddies soap, and 1 gallon of milk. I seemed to have upset the manager today. I guess we're not suppose to use more than one coupon per transaction. She told me that I shouldn't shop there if I'm only intending to get free items. This really hurt my feeling because I love shopping at Target and I feel like she told me I can't shop there. She said that she's calling corporate to complain about the coupons so I hope that I haven't made it where Target gets rid of coupons all together. I apologized to her and told her that I didn't know that I couldn't use more than one on a transaction. She tells me that I should read the coupon..."It plainly states..Limit one offer per transaction!" I once again apologize and she tells me that she will allow it today but don't expect it to happen again and that she will be calling corporate office to complain and get this fixed. *SIGH* So I spent $4.92 and saved $18.84. Target was doing a special where if you buy (2) 12 pack poptarts, you get a free gallon of milk, so the only thing I paid for was the poptarts...I don't feel very good about this shopping trip though
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Kroger savings
So I decided that I needed to take advantage of the 10 for 10 sale Kroger was having. I bought 2 Dial soaps, 2 Bounty paper towels, 2 ballpark hotdogs, 2 Kroger hotdog buns, 2 Hefty storage zipper bags, and 2 Armour lunchables. I spent $10.59 and saved $15.02!! I also went and filled my tank today and used my fuel points and received my gas for $2.21 a gallon while everyone else was charging $2.34 a gallon. I love saving money but as you can see, I love shopping too.
More Target savings
I decided to stop at the other Target on the way to pick up Michael from Pre-K. I have been looking for the Buddies soap and YAH, they had them in. So I bought 10 Buddies soap, (1) 6 pack of Kid Essentials, and 10 single serving cereals. I spent $2.23 and saved $26.70. The cashier was being a little difficult...she wouldn't give me the $1 off each soap, so she manually discounted each of the soaps for $0.97. It would have been nice to get the $0.30 overage but it's ok...I did get 30 items free from them today. So I won't complain...much LOL
So because I was bored and had nothing really to do, I decided to go back to Target to see if I could get my free Buddies soap but they were still out. So I bought 10 single servings of cereal and spent $0 and saved $10. No, that's not a typo, I spent nothing and received 10 free cereals...gotta love coupons
Food Lion savings
I bought 12, 1 inch thick ribeye steaks($4.88lb), 30lbs of chicken leg quarters($0.39lb), and 10.5lbs of crab legs($3.99lb). I spent $107.68 and saved $93.72!!! No coupons, just a great sale!! ** I forgot to look up Food Lion coupons before I went, and low and behold, the one time I forget, they had an awesome coupon for $5 off a $20 purchase of meat. I actually could have spent $102.68 and saved $98.73..oh well :( **
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Target savings
Today, I went to Target to get a few of the "free" items. Of course, they were out of the ones I really wanted, like the Buddies soap and the Kid Essentials. But I did get a few things. I bought 2 Johnson&Johnson Baby wash, 4 single servings cereals, 2 Gerber snacks, 2 jars of Ragu, and 1 Johnson&Johnson to go kit. I spent $5.49 and saved $13.35!!!
April, the Johnson&Johnson Baby wash printable coupon is for 15oz or larger, the one that is on sale at Target for $2.19 is the 8oz., so you can't use the coupon. I ended up getting the 20oz. they had on sale for $2.99 and using the printable and target coupon getting it for $0.99. Still not too bad but I was really looking forward to getting it for $0.19.
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